The Therapy Path Français
 Does your child or family member have difficulty with:
Understanding and remembering the teacher
Does your child need frequent repetition and guidance when instructed to complete work?
Learning to read and understand books
Sounding out letters in words, reading very slow, not understanding paragraphs, not interested in books.
Making and keeping friends
Not calling them to play, always fighting, saying that he/she has no friends, not resolving conflicts.
Remembering stories or memories
Stroke or brain injury, trouble remembering friend and family discussions, remembering schedules.
Organizing or explaining thoughts
Thinking about what to write, telling a story clearly.
Chewing or swallowing
Excessive coughing/choking, aspiration.
Speaking clearly
Articulating speech sounds, stuttering, voice problems.
See How Our Speech-Language Pathologists Could Help You
We use standardised tests to assess a wide range of speech and language skills. The scores show us how well the skills have developed and highlight risks of academic, social, or occupational difficulties.
Learn about the complexity of language (including language processing and social pragmatics) and how something we can't see is so important in our lives and community.
Learn about our research supported approach to instructing reading fundamentals to non-readers and at risk children.
No Wait List
We are usually able to see new client within two weeks of being referred.

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